MBA Peregrinations

Charting the course of my travels through the MBA experience.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Rainy Day in My Head

Come Thursday, I felt energetic enough to go to campus for recruitment. Thursday night, I was exhausted and cursed myself for venturing out before my body was recuperated. Yesterday, I repeated the same stupidity. So today I am officially bailing on everything in the hopes that I can shake this thing off over the weekend. I had plans to go to campus, then meet up for coffee with a friend of a friend new to Chicago, and then go to the symphony with some GSB folks. *sigh* I suppose its a good thing that I bailed, its making me tired just thinking about it. But the irrationally social and "true to my word" part of me can't help feeling bad about not following through on commitments to other people, expense to my health be damned.

Life has become hectic once again. What's even more surprising is how the 1st years look upon us 2nd years as experts. I guess we are, relatively. But no more than an ant that has figured out the best way to the proverbial cookie jar by getting lost multiple times and then finally getting there through the collective knowledge of previous generations. I managed to end up with 4 mentees. Holy crap. Its a good thing that I made an effort to meet up with all of them well before school started because recruitment will make it tough to keep up.

Its a rainy and dreary day in Chicago today. Not a bad thing when you're sick and confined to the indoors, but what I wouldn't do go to take a walk in it right now. In fact, its one of the reasons I came to Chi in the first place - to escape the perpetual and pleasantly vacuous California sunshine, day in and day out. Seasons, didn't have 'em until now. They do require a bit more spending for the seasonal wardrobes, and the drive home yesterday was frustrating as all hell since everyone turns into a douchebag in the rain. But the cyclicality of seasons somehow makes me feel more alive, like there are days when Mother Nature feels just as depressed or crazy as I do instead of being little miss endless sunshine. I often craved rain in Cali, and one of the most poignant memories of my first few days in Chicago last summer was a night of crazy thunder and lightning when it felt like the whole house was rollin' along with it.


At 9:33 PM, September 24, 2006, Blogger VR said...

Rain is just hot snow. Snow's the real water falling from sky. Well, that and hail. And I guess a comet hitting the earth. Comets are cool.p

At 1:25 AM, September 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever you quitter.


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