MBA Peregrinations

Charting the course of my travels through the MBA experience.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

In a little place known as HELL

I was doing okay here, until my movers kept pushing back the date that my stuff would get here. I still don't have my stuff, nor an honest answer from them - whatever date they give me changes the next time I call. So I've been going on over a week now without most of my belongings, and I finally broke down and bought an air mattress because my body couldn't take sleeping on the hard floor anymore.

And then my car got towed for what I believe are unclear parking signs in downtown. I'll be going to court tomorrow to contest it, in jeans and a t-shirt.

I know I need to keep perspective and that this will pass soon enough, but I was on the verge of going postal last night. I keep telling myself to take a deep breath - it isn't Chicago, its the movers and the move. But the towing was the icing on the cake. Man could I have done some damage to that moving dispatcher last night...


At 12:13 AM, August 03, 2005, Blogger AKS said...

Keep the faith. We all are destined to be teated by everything in the beginning, Chicago included.

At 5:13 AM, August 03, 2005, Blogger PowerYogi said...

smile it off, Le V. it´s no fun if everything went to plan, is it now :~)

At 9:03 AM, August 03, 2005, Blogger Le Voyageur said...

K & PY - Thanks for the support. My state of mind gets worse every time I read another horror story about a moving scam.

At 3:37 PM, August 03, 2005, Blogger MargaritaLuvr said...

It could always be worse, right? You could be watching a drug dealing operation going on at the doorstep of your apartment building as you are moving into it. This was my day yesterday.

But really, keep your sprits up. Get out of the house, explore something new and, if all else fails, go shopping for something that you want. Do something nice for yourself


At 10:25 PM, August 03, 2005, Blogger Le Voyageur said...

MLuvr -

Yours does sound like a harrowing experience. Ours are opposite ones in a sense. You have your stuff and are not sure if you'll keep it from the crooks, and I don't have my stuff and am not sure if I'll get it from the crooks...=)

At 11:31 PM, August 03, 2005, Blogger Keven said...

Man that sucks.

Consider it getting all your bad luck out of the way before school begins.


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