MBA Peregrinations

Charting the course of my travels through the MBA experience.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Civil Infringement

So I went to court to contest the towing, and it was over within minutes. No dice, we're keepin' the $ sucker. At least I got out quickly with only a slightly bruised ego. Note to self, experiences to avoid like the plague:

1. Courtrooms -
The first thought at seeing 'City of Chicago vs. Me' on the agenda was that I am in way over my head.
2. Parking on the street in downtown Chicago -
I'd had a nice little martini buzz going before discovering that my car was gone. What a buzzkill.

In other news, the movers are supposed to be delivering my stuff today. Keepin' my fingers crossed...


At 9:56 AM, August 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the chicago rock and roll has begun...hope you finally got your luggage

At 11:28 AM, August 05, 2005, Blogger Wakechick said...

Hope you got your stuff yesterday. Sorry to hear about the tow. Will you be attending either of the GSB happy hours next week?

At 5:47 PM, August 05, 2005, Blogger Le Voyageur said...

Update, I FINALLY got my stuff yesterday with only a few dings and scratches. Thanks for the well wishes!

Wakechick - I'll be attending at least one if not both, you?


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