MBA Peregrinations

Charting the course of my travels through the MBA experience.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Road Trip

I am on the go once again. After a relatively painless experience with the movers (compared to many previous moves in which I did all of the moving on my own), I got in the car and started the long haul from the Bay Area to Chicago.

I'm taking the scenic route. After a long day of driving in some scary hot 115 F weather, I arrived in St. George, Utah. Wednesday involved a quick hike through the Narrows, and then a leisurely drive north through Zion National Park and southern Utah. The picture doesn't do justice to the beauty of this place - the craggy cliffs and sprawling grasslands are simply magnificent. Violet, sea green, sand, peach, and rust are just some of the hues that you see in the landscape - this region is very appropriately named 'Color Country'.

After a few hundred miles, a good night's rest was in order in a tiny town named Salina (not much else to do but sleep there). Today was spent covering another expanse of country in Utah and Colorado. Colorado has some lovely scenery as well, and rainstorms out here are exhilarating - lightning and thunder with pelting hard rain. A few miles away from the storm, you can see streaks of gray running down from the sky towards the ground - like an artist took a paintbrush and ran it down the length of the rainclouds to smear them towards the green earth.

I'm now in Denver, and after a drink with a friend (who is incidentally a GSB alum) and an expansive sushi dinner, I'm ready to crash. Tomorrow I hope to reach Des Moines. Just what my car needed before at least 2 years of baking and freezing Chicago weather, another 2000+ miles on the odometer...


At 2:11 PM, July 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Le Voyageur" suits you 100% ...
enjoy your trip..


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