MBA Peregrinations

Charting the course of my travels through the MBA experience.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Explosions Left and Right

Life has been exploding for me in the past few days...

Explosion #1: The explosion of moving boxes in my apartment. The movers finally delivered my belongings this past Thursday, nearly 2 weeks after their initial estimate of delivery. That may not seem like a long time to wait, but think about not having any of your belongings other than a few shirts, a pair of jeans and shorts, and a sleeping bag. This is much of what I would need for an austere camping trip, but very inadequate for settling into a new abode in a brand new city. Nearly 2 weeks after arriving in Chicago, I am now finally able to make a phone call from my apartment to my insurance company without burning peak mobile phone minutes, cook food, and use the internet with enough speed and frequency to work on the assignments that are due mid-week for our leadership development course (LEAD) that starts in early September. I thought I would have 2.5 weeks to work on these assignments, but now I only have 0.5 weeks. Intermittently working on my assignments and slowly reducing the explosion of boxes has taken up a lot of the weekend, but not all...

Explosion #2: My social life. I recall leaving undergrad and lamenting the loss in social life - the ease with which one can go out with friends that live in close proximity and have a topsy-turvy student schedule. Socializing requires so much more effort in 'the real world' of jobs and responsibilities other than reading the latest chapter in your coursebook. I believe that I adjusted reasonably well, and managed to socialize a fair amount while working. Now without much effort, my social life has exploded and every night this week is booked with an event. No courses have started yet - not the pre-MBA ones, regular term, nor LEAD. But now that my fellow classmates have started to arrive, we are hitting the pubs and clubs with a vengeance. Yesterday, my evening started at midnight and involved hitting 2 different clubs, and I didn't get home until about 6 am. Three hours later, I woke up and had brunch with a few people, and will be having dinner tonight with some more. Daytime plans this week involve adjusting to life in little ways such as taking an introductory workshop for my new Macintosh (I'm in *love*, and I've named her Sheila E.) at the Apple store in downtown, or hitting Ikea. But every night this week is an event at a different pub, otherwise known as BOOT CAMP FOR YOUR LIVER, BITCH!

Explosion #3: My hair. Humidity does that.


At 3:31 PM, August 07, 2005, Blogger VR said...

Beats the other kind of explosions.

At 12:57 AM, August 08, 2005, Blogger divinemissN said...

Sheila E.... I *LOVE* that name!

At 4:03 AM, August 08, 2005, Blogger Forrest Gump said...

I am curious to know what that E stands for ? good that the wait for your stuff is over.

At 12:59 PM, August 08, 2005, Blogger Le Voyageur said...

Divinemissn - Somehow it doesn't surprise me that you can appreciate the fabulous moniker. ;)

FG - After identifying that my computer was indeed female, I named her after the musician Sheila E. - 'Glamorous Life' is an 80s pop song that still gets me moving, and my new computer (as an extension of me) matched the vibe of the song.

At 6:28 PM, August 08, 2005, Blogger Le Voyageur said...

Vek - 15" Powerbook. Good point - never thought we'd be in school at the same time! All of those guilt trips that I gave you about studying harder - payback time, eh?

At 11:24 PM, August 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're settling in. There really is so much to do, both in the sense of goings-on around town and in the sense of stuff you have to get done before CORE starts.

There's a Yahoo! Group for Apple users at the GSB... you might want to check it out. It's a good way to keep in touch with our fellow Mac users.

At 9:21 AM, August 13, 2005, Blogger Le Voyageur said...

Byron - Its tough to juggle everything, and classes haven't even started yet! Thanks for the tip, I've already joined the Mac Users group!

At 3:16 PM, August 13, 2005, Blogger Huckle Cat said...

Welcome to town! I've got to start joining my fellow 07-ers on these booze outings...time to whip the liver into shape.

At 3:46 AM, August 15, 2005, Blogger Le Voyageur said...

huckle cat - thanks. do join in on the madness when you are able to - you have an advantage by already living around these parts.


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